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For everyone that wants to experience sailing for the first time. A taster course perfect for our younger sailors.

Click on the ship for more info.

Competent Crew 

This course if for the aspiring skipper! It offers an introduction into skippering for those who have little experience and want to move on to skippering. 

Click on the crab for more info.

Motor Boat   Day Skipper 

A course that will give all the necessary skills and confidence to the beginner skipper. This course is all about skippering a yacht in short passages by day.
Click on the
sea horse for more info. 


Coastal Skipper


This course is for the experienced skipper that wants to gain confidence in long distance offshore sailing & wants to learn advanced sailing & skippering techniques. Ideal for those going for a Cert of Competence.  Click on the octopus for more info.

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